(Picture of Capital Bike Share)
Kristen, my sister, came to visit me this weekend. Saturday, we hit some of the highlights at two of the Smithsonian Museums—the Natural History Museum and the American History Museum. Then, we walked to the White House and the State Department, so she could get a feel for my day-to-day. Afterwards, we schlepped it all the way over Georgetown.
We toured around Georgetown looking for a restaurant and settled on a small Italian restaurant with the perfect window made for people watching. The restaurant served Italian and Middle Eastern, which was an odd combo, but they did both well.
Wanting to experience DC Cupcakes, a cupcake bakery that is featured on TLC, we walked down the main street of Georgetown to get to it, and the line was the length of a football field. We turned our heels, and decided on ice cream instead. We agreed they couldn’t possibly do cupcakes that well.
After some light shopping, we decided it was time to go back to my place. After a nap and dinner, we rented two bikes from a Capital Bike Share stall. Capital Bike Share is a super invention. There are stalls located all over the city. A stall is basically a bike rack with maybe 30 bikes along the rack. There’s a machine you slip your debit or credit card into to pay the membership fee and pay to rent your bike. The bikes are a uniform style. The style is a mix between a beach cruiser and a mountain bike. They’re comfortable bikes. When it comes time to return your bike, you can return it to any one of the stalls.
Kristen and I rode our bikes along the National Mall to the Lincoln Memorial. It was nightfall by the time we got to the Lincoln Memorial, which was still bustling with activity. The Lincoln Memorial lit up at night is just magnificent. I really can’t describe it other than it makes your eyes just pop like wow when you see it.
On the bike ride back, the air was so fresh and crisp and it was the perfect end to a perfect day; the kind you just don’t want to end.
Kristen left Sunday morning and caught a ride on a shuttle van to the airport, and a little boy on the shuttle van threw up on the way there. So, that was her perfect end to a perfect trip.
Thanks for coming, Kiki! I love you!
I told you to be careful about calling your sister "Kiki" in public!